Saturday, January 1, 2011

Last few months!!

It has been a long time since I have posted anything!! My camera cord had been chewed/sucked on by Kylie and would not allow me to download any pics onto the computer. Keep forgetting to buy a new cord while at a store and my goal to get in and out of any/all stores as fast as I can equalled months of not having anyway to access my pics. So I am now doing a brief synopsis of Oct-Dec. In Oct I met my good high school friend Kelly Rietema in Apple Hill to enjoy the many apple orchards that were in full swing. While looking up which ones to go to we realized that just our two families classified us as a "field trip" (10 kids between the two of us). We were crazy--10 kids with two adults and all kids 8 or under! We handled it just fine and had a great time!! Hopefully we will be able to do this again!

The next weekend brought us down to Chino for my Grandma Douma's 80th birthday. As you can see the kids got to play miniature golf. They also enjoyed bumper boats, roller coasters, and dinner at the park BBQ'd by my Uncle Henry which always means great tri-tip!! I honestly think the hi-light of the trip for the kids though, was being able to stay in a hotel. They thought that was great! I am just thankful for the large room we had and the fact the hotel was honest and had kept the clothes I had left there for almost a month!! I couldn't remember where they could have gone and kept telling Dave I was convinced someone broke into the house and stole some of our clothes!! OOOOOPS! Thanks Aunt Val for collecting them for me!!Of course October ends with Halloween! The kids had fun as usual dressing up and trick-or-treating. We are thankful for Tom and Laura who allow us to tag-along in their neighborhood and always supply us with a fun dinner of appetizers! If you can't tell Dylan is Mario, David is Luigi, Dayna is a pink bunny, and Krista/Kylie are sheep.The week before Thanksgiving, Dave and I took a much anticipated trip to Maui. Neither of us had ever been there before and now understand what all the hype is about! We had a ton of fun with the three other couples that also went, enjoyed the carefree days of not worrying about the kids (thanks parents for helping out there!!), and even got to remember how good food can be when you eat it while its still hot!December began with David and Dayna's preschool's Christmas program. It was very cute as usual. We have the DVD if anyone is interested :) Dayna performed her part as Mary perfectly. She rode (walked by) on the donkey, laid her baby in the manger and received the gifts from the wisemen. David was very proud to get to be the wiseman who carried the star. He got to lead all of the other wisemen to the manger. They both did great and were very happy to have their grandparents (and Aunt Nancy) there to watch them!Next on the December agenda was Dylans 8th birthday. He was super shocked and happy to get the basketball hoop he had been begging for for about 2yrs. Now if we can just keep the rain, wind, and cold away so they can be outside to enjoy it.

Finally, after everyone but Kylie enjoyed a bout with the flu, Christmas arrived. We did take a pic of the kids opening their stockings Christmas morning, but didn't think it was right to post a pic that only showed four kids. Krista was zonked from the flu so she didn't make the pic, you can only hold four kids away from long awaited stocking stuffers for so long!

We had a great year in 2010. I know I didn't include much about Krista and Kylie so here's a little tidbit. They are officially 11months old today. Kylie is walking everywhere and has really gotten fast at it in the last couple of days. She still only has two teeth but both her and Krista still eat whatever is given to them. She enjoys following the kids around to the point that they now shut all doors behind them to keep her out! Krista is on the verge of learning to walk, tonight she actually took two steps! Don't ask for proof, because when I tried to show someone then all she did was her usual huge smile, laugh and just dive forward. She finally got her first tooth a couple of weeks ago. She isn't as big into following the kids, she'd rather watch the kitties. Although, if Dayna has her baby stroller out Krista will attack her and try to take it away. It is the only time I have heard Krista yell at one of the kids!!

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