Happy New Year!! Today was also Dayna and David's 5th birthday! This was a big one to them in their minds. This marks the beginning of the year they get to play soccer, play baseball and get to ride the school bus. Well, okay those were just mainly Davids big deals! Dayna is just Dayna as was thrilled to finally get to do/eat whatever she wanted. So of course for lunch we packed up the whole family and headed back to Red Robin (kids saw the icecream sundae that Dylan got there for his birthday). This was our first resturant experience with our whole family by ourselves. We survived it, although I'm pretty sure we won't be going anywhere again anytime soon! Here are the kids anxiously waiting to open their presents.

They each got their own cake this year. White for David and of course chocolate for Dayna, she had wanted a princess cake, but ended up agreeing to just decorating her own cake with hearts and having princess plates.

Apparently you should always read the label on the candles before you buy them because within seconds of the kids blowing out their candles they all relit!! Dylan jumped in to try to help get them to stay out. David kept saying these were scary. I have to agree with him, they kept sparking everywhere! Ended up pulling them out with salad tongs and throwing them into a bowl of water.

Overall, I think they had a good birthday. David got to spend the WHOLE day playing either WII or his DS. Dylan kept saying he thought David was setting a new world record for playing video games! Dayna got to do her girlie stuff--paint her toenails/fingernails, make a beaded necklace, feed her doll some food and play with her walking pup. We ended the night watching Alvin and the Chipmunks the Squeakquel, their current favorite movie.
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