Friday, October 24, 2008

Dave's Triathalon

As some of you may know, the first weekend of the month Dave did a sprint triathalon in San Diego. He had to swim 1/2 a mile, bike 9 miles and then run 3 miles. He did it all in 1 1/2 hours. Not bad for someone who 10 months ago could barely walk to the bathroom without getting very short of breath!! God's amazing power sure has been seen here!! Dave even said that he would maybe do it again. I was waiting for pics of him doing it to post the blog. But since the kids and I didn't go, I don't know when I will get the pics. We saw pictures of him doing it on the website and then the kids wanted to dress up like dad did. They "swam" all over the house for a few days after the triathalon.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Dylan is about halfway through his soccer season now, and I finally remembered to take my camera along. He is the one in the red shorts. He thought it was funny that those "other boys" had to wear purple! He enjoys it very much and is constantly asking if it is time for his soccer game or practice. The last two years he played indoors, so it it really nice to be outdoors and see "real soccer" being played. Needless to say David and Dayna will wait until they are five to start soccer, so they too can play outside. Goalie, apparently is every kids' favorite position to play at this age. The kids argue over who's turn it is. We can't forget Dylan's biggest supporters. They go to every game and have missed only one practice.