Krista and Kylie are officially 3 months old. I can't believe how fast it seems to have gone! Krista has turned a huge corner and has lost the "if I am awake I am going to scream" attitude and is now quite happy and fun. They both love to watch their brothers and sister move around the room and pull their heads up and off of you to sit up to see whats going on. They are both almost out of their baby seats which I use to feed them and let them sleep in. I don't know what I am going to do when they don't have those anymore. They will have to be holding a bottle before I let them out!! They are smiling all the time now, although you can almost always get one out of Kylie, Krista is going to make you work for it and if she doesn't want to--it won't matter what you do! Kylie has started razzing or spitting/blowing bubbles with her spit much to the kids' delight! She is also giggling at times. Krista is more into a silent laugh, you can tell she wants to laugh, but no sound comes out at all!! They are sleeping great, or I should say they were until this round of colds that Kylie has right now, they usually are asleep by 8 and get up around 6. No complaints from us because that is the time that the rest are up anyways so it works!!
April, May & June
13 years ago
I cannot believe how much Krista has changed! Wow!!! I can't wait to see them again! They are too cute!!
They have grown up so much in just a few weeks! what cuties!
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