I just started giving the girls baths together last week. It speeds up the whole bathing process! The only downfall, at this time, is they splash together. When it was just one at a time they would splash a little and then get bored with it. Now it is pretty continuous. When one starts the other joins in! By the time we are done, I think I am just as wet if not more than them! I am attempting to add a video of some of their splashing at the end of this post, we'll see if it works.

Two weeks ago was the start of school for the kids. Here are David and Dayna on their first day of school. Sorry its such a dark pic, had to take it in the shade because while standing in the sun, David was uncooperative!

Dylan is ready for his first day of 2nd grade! He is excited he has Mrs Vander Molen, who was also his Uncle Jason's teacher at Ontario Christian and his Aunt Laura's teacher here at Ripon Christian. He is also feeling pretty lucky because he doesn't have to ride the bus for awhile in the mornings. Grandma K is subbing for a teacher in the HS for awhile and has generously offerred to take Dylan to school in the mornings! I am thrilled, because it means I don't have to worry whether Dave is going to make it into the house on time to bring him to the bus stop or not and I don't have to load 4 other kids into the car at 715 to bring him to the stop myself! Thanks Mom again!!! He really enjoys his alone time with Grandma!