Today was Dylan's Kindergarten Graduation!! I still can't believe that he is that old already (and I know he's not really all that old)!! It was a cute program with a few songs and they had little sayings for all the letters of the alphabet. He was the letter Z. "Z is for zoom, this year has flown by. My brain is packed full, now I am quite a smart guy." He was perfectly understood which was a concern of ours. He remembered to say is slowly AND clearly. It looked like he was having a really good time up there.

Afterward, we had everyone who was able to make it over to our house for lunch and dessert. Dylan loved the gifts that he got and having everyone over to "his" house. This is Dylan opening his gift from Dave and I. It was a junior set of golf clubs. He just happened to tell us last night how he wishes he had golf clubs so he could go golfing with dad. It was the perfect gift at the perfect time! Now we just have to get him to understand that he doesn't get to go everytime Dave goes and not to get too frustrated when he can't hit it all the way to the flag on just a couple of swings.

Look at that look of complete surprise and excitement! And that was when he just thought it was a golf bag without clubs! The eyes and mouth continued to enlarge when he realized clubs were included!
how cute! i love the pics of him opening his present. and grandma douma looks surprised too! :)
I love the "2009" glasses!! Too cute! Joel has already bought AJ golf clubs! Now I'm thinking we'll save them till his K-graduation too!
Hi Shelly,
I just found your blog from your FB status! I blog too. I'll add you guys to my Google Reader and look forward to keeping up with you over the summer. :)
Jen VM
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