Well, I've decided to give it a try. Some of you have been asking me to email you pics of the kids and I would love to but we still have dial-up, so it takes quite awhile to send each email out. I figured this would be a simple way of trying to avoid that and I enjoy looking/reading the blogs of people I know. This is a big deal for us to do because it was only a couple of months ago that we figured out what a blog was. It was such a foreign word/concept. Dave likes to remind us of our age and say that we didn't have computers when we were in school!!
Speaking of school Dylan started school this past Thursday. He loved it!!! He is now counting down the
number of days until he gets to go back. I have been asked if it was sad to drop him off for the first day...it was more sad to see that he didn't even need me there. He walked right into the room, put his backpack into the cubbie, and walked right back outside to go play. No good-bye. No I love you mom. To say the least, I think he was more than ready to go. David and Dayna had a very peaceful day without the
ringleader here to instigate things, but they were definately happy to see him again. I have included just some random pics from this summer. We went to Carpinteria with Dave's family the first week of August. The kids loved it!!!(we did too) David was the only one apprehensive about the waves!
Thanks Laura for your help with this thing, although it is still obvious it needs some work.
April, May & June
13 years ago
It's so good to hear from you! Our computer crashed over a month ago, and I lost lots of stuff, including email addresses. So, now I'm glad to have yours again! Rylie started 1st grade 3 weeks ago. She loves it! Alex still gets therapy, now 8 hours a day, but he is doing SO well! He starts preschool in a week. Have fun blogging!
-Amy Carlin
That's great I am so glad you are doing this. It's so easy to stay caught up on everybody's lives. You'll get the hang of it and before long you'll be blogging like a crazy lady. Just kidding, I think it is so fun!
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