Just some random pics that have been taken in the last couple of weeks. Dayna has found a new use for the stand/legs of the giraffe limbo game we have. It is now a microphone. A few minutes after this pic was taken Dylan had the other one out as the guitar and soon enough David had the lego box out to use it to play the drums! They have been putting on concerts ever since!!

Look at how big they are getting!! We almost having them holding their own bottles!! They are about 4 1/2mo old now and thoroughly enjoy their siblings. The kids can get them to smile whenever they want, its so cute to watch!

Here's Krista sitting up in the bumbo! They both like to be upright and like the different view. Yesterday, while Dave was bbqing and the kids were outside playing I had the girls in the bumbos by the sliding door so they could watch all the excitement. They LOVED it! Every now and then one of the kids would come and knock on the glass to get them to smile and pay attention to them again.

Krista was enjoying a seat on Daddy when the boys saw it and got a little jealous! They quickly joined in.

All the twins having a chat!! David and Dayna just thought this was the funniest thing, of course their giggles brought on giggles from the younger too as well. Life is busy and there are rarely quiet moments, but I wouldn't change it for anything!! The kids are all happy and love eachother so much. I love watching them talk with eachother, whether thats listening to the older ones play imaginary roles, the boys pretending they are the Dodgers playing in the world series, or them all swearing that krista and Kylie just said their first word they all interact mulitple times in different ways throughout the day and I enjoy watching it!!