The first day of January is Dayna and David's birthday. This year was a bit different than previous years because Dave and his family were all in Michigan for his brother's wedding. My parents were here with me to assist in case I needed any help in regards to this pregnancy. So we tried to make the day extra special for them. We started off with their gifts and cake. We then went to Chuck E. Cheese for lunch. This was definately a highlight for them and Dylan. Especially since they had been begging to go there for over a year. I figured this was a perfect reason to go. After lunch we went and saw Alvin and the Chipmunks the squeekquel. The kids all enjoyed it and it was entertaining enough for the rest of us to have a good time too! I don't think they even realized they had no aunts/uncles/daddy there with them...which was a good thing! They couldn't wait for Dave to get home so they could tell him everything they did! I am happy to say too that I was fine throughout the entire time Dave was gone too! No trips to the hospital thanks mainly to the fact that my parents were here and wouldn't let me do ANYTHING!!

Dave has started a new hobby/activitiy. Indoor soccer!!! He had thoroughly enjoyed the two games he had played in and we couldn't wait for a game at a time that the kids and I could go to. The previous game was at 1115 at night!! They had decided that since they were all of dutch ancestory their uniforms would be orange. You definately notice them!! It was a lot of fun to watch and I wont lie there were a lot of jokes being told especially since they are sponsored by Main Street Floral!! The kids all stood along the field watching their dads play!

Dave ready to block any shot! We did win! Actually, they have a winning record!!