Dylan was excited for soccer to start this year! He is playing in Escalon again--missed the sign ups for Ripons league and really didn't want to have to drive there for practises and games! He really likes it, although playing goalie is his absolute favorite! I tried to get some pics of him actually playing but because it is still mainly herd-ball it was hard to get any good ones.

October was spent with the first two weekends being in Tulare and the third in Wisconsin. The kids loved going to my dad and moms because they got to play with the puppies. Little did they realize that the puppies had grown since they had last seen them. David would just sit on the ground and they would be all over them in a matter of seconds. Dayna enjoyed racing them. It was a decent foot race to tell you the truth!! Needless to say, we went home with shirts and shorts/pants with holes in them!

Steve and Alyona's wedding in Wisconsin (Oct 17) was beautiful and unique! It was cold, but we didn't get rained on so everyone still enjoyed it. The wedding was on a bluff overlooking Lake Michigan. It was really neat to see the Ukrainian aspects of the service intertwined into the wedding. The reception included Ukrainian dancers and a toast from Alyona's sister (who doesn't speak a word of English, but read her entire toast in English!!). Everyone had a great time and we are sooo happy for the both of them!!

The Koolhaas men waiting for the wedding to begin. One of the few pics that included them standing still and behaving!! They had a good time being all together again!