We went down to my parent's house for Easter this year. The kids almost enjoyed the egg hunting as much as eating the candy inside the eggs. Dylan really enjoyed playing shuffleboard with Great Grandma VT and is wondering when we can go back to her house to play it again!

Jason, my brother, does some sort of racing with this jeep that he has. Dylan thought he was sooo cool getting a ride in it and going over a jump. Something that David and Dayna were too little to do. Yes, he is seat-belted in with a 5-point harness!

These past few days have been sooo hot. The pool is still too cold to swim in and the kids were getting bored with the sprinklers and trampoline. Apparently, Dave had said at some point something along the lines of boogie-boarding in the barn, so that had been all that the kids talked about for days. So, the otherday we took them to the barn to attempt it. They were able to go about 5-10feet depending on the weight of the kid. They really enjoyed it despite it not really working. David's turn on the board turned him immediately so I didn't get any pics of him. After that fun Dave turned on the wash sprinklers and the were able to really run through sprinklers!

After all this fun in the barn, the kids were put to work. They had to help clean out the water troughs ??sp?? that are in the barn. But, since that involved water as well they had fun doing that also!