We have had a lot of fun these last few weeks!! It has been VERY busy as well. It started off in mid-december with a friends birthday party. We had nine 5-7 year olds running around the house. Thankfully it was a nice enough day that they mostly just played soccer in the backyard! Then on the 20th, we had family over for Dylans official birthday.

Christmas was a lot of fun. David and Dayna still continue to ask me when its Christmas so they can have more presents and see santa. Dylan prayed the other day for Dayna so that she would know that santa isn't why we have Christmas, but that it is Jesus' birthday! He was very concerned that she didn't understand that it was Jesus' birthday.

The kids with their stockings Christmas morning...it probably didn't help Dayna's thinking about santa. Dylan swears he heard Santa's reindeer on the roof during the night. That was a huge admission since the day before he was still convinced there was no such thing as santa! We we able to hit every Christmas party this year, that means 3 extended family parties, 2 family parties and then our own Christmas party. It was a very busy week and the parties weren't over yet!!

Today we celebrated Dayna and David's 3rd birthday with the Koolhaas family. When we were in Tulare we did all the Dec/Jan birthdays before Christmas. Now we can relax and try to find a place for all the gifts!! We hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a great new year!!