The other day the kids were having a ton of fun playing in the cottonseed. Its a favorite thing to do after 4pm when the feeder is finished for the day. Dylan came in the house to ask me to come see his new trick. I went with expecting to watch him do a sommersault or a flip down the cottonseed. Needless to say I was surprised to see this:
We also went to Ripon Christian's version of the Harvest Festival, I don't remember what they call it, but just like Dave and I remembering doing we came home with a goldfish. After a day or two of sitting on the counter without any food we decided it was time to let it be "free." So Dave and Dylan brought it to the water trough. The next day Dave couldn't find the fish, so off to Pet Smart we went to buy it 10 "friends." Yesterday the kids and I took a walk out on the dairy and decided to look for the fish in the trough. We found only four and the kids did not even realize that over half of the fish were missing!!

I don't know how I got two copies of the same pic, sorry!!

We could hardly get the kids to go to bed that night. All they wanted to do was watch the fish swim around.